Bruce Lilly
Professional Writer and Editor
What I do, how much I charge, and how to use this website |
What I do
If you need something written, there’s a good chance I can help you write it. I work with clients in many different ways on all kinds of writing projects. I’ve ghostwritten a book plus scores of newsletter articles, columns, and white papers. I’ve written marketing copy, profiles of individuals, dialogues and narratives, video treatments, essays, speeches, and more. My work has involved topics ranging from Broadway musicals to the use of computer technology in manufacturing plants, from healthcare costs to immigration, and from parenting to green city planning.
People commonly think of a writer as a wordsmith, as someone who has a talent for finding a clever way to express a thought or state an idea. Good writers certainly must be able to find the right words and craft sentences of all shapes and sizes, but there's more. The best writers are experts at organizing thoughts and ensuring that ideas flow logically and seamlessly.
One of the primary challenges I often face as a writer entails the work of organizing the ideas and helping my clients envision the finished piece. Clients frequently come to me with only a general notion of what they want to say. In these cases I’m confronted with a mound of thoughts unloaded on me in no particular order.
A critical part of what I offer clients is the ability to discern the vital themes and to structure the material in a logical and lucid manner. Then at the writing stage I carefully choose words and string sentences together to articulate the message. The end result is a piece that engages and informs the intended audience. Over and over again clients have told me that I’ve done a great job of taking raw material and turning it into the finished product they desired.
Here are some of their comments:
How much I charge
The short story is that freelance writers often charge either by the hour or by the word. I generally look at jobs in terms of the time they will require, and my standard rate is $80 per hour.
The long story is more complicated. Determining a fair price for my work is an inexact science, because almost every job presents some unexpected twists and turns. I consider many different factors before I arrive at a fee, one of which may be your intended budget. I'm always willing to negotiate, so if you think I may be the best writer for your needs, get in touch. We'll discuss the scope of your project and I'll suggest how much I might charge to do the work.
How to use this website
I’ve intentionally kept this website simple and straightforward, so there’s really no big secret to using this website. At the same time, I thought it might be good to point out a few things:
I look forward to hearing from you!
— Bruce